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Old 06.04.2008, 12:23 PM
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Sebastian, I guess fear of embarassment is what tamed my wife and my use of profanity in out house. Also, I am a big believer that sometimes we (humans) do things out of habit very easily. Good habits seem harder to form and easier to break; bad habits form easily and usually take awhile to break. I want my kids to know what curse words are and what they mean by the time they are five or six like my eldest, Anja; I want them to have a natural habit of speaking in a polite manner, which they do. If they choose to say "shit!" or "damn it!" when they get angry and they do it at home, I will not chastise them as they did it at home, no harm no foul; if they do it at the grocery store I'll have a little talk with them.

The grocery store is always a potential place of embarassment with your kids, no matter how polite they are. Kids are honest, BRUTALLY HONEST. Anja asked me when ashe was two: "Daddy, why are we in the aisle where all the wine is again?" <Ooops!> Once, she also told me (very loudly) that a woman right next to us was fat and that she probably ate too much. Oww! From the mouths of babes...

So, everybody watch their motherfuckin' language, OK? No more goddman cursing, alright? Shit!

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