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Old 05.04.2008, 11:58 AM
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Hey Sebastian, That's crazy you were yelling "Damn whore!" because you wanted to play but had to sit for dinner. I was the same way Bro, I cursed like a sailor by the time I was 5. I said "shit" when I was 2 because my brother coached me for hours, and to his evil delight became quite good at saying it. Heather and I cleaned our mouths up BIG TIME when we had kids and I can definitley tell that is why neither of our children have been cussing their little heads off. Everytime the relatives come for a visit though they hear something naughty because the relatives haven't had little kids in the house for awhile!

Juho, I totally agree with you regarding telling kids the truth about the world. Both of my kids knew that there were evil people in the world who could try and take them from mommy and Daddy and do horrible things to them and maybe kill them. Both of them have asked us about adult things they heard on the news like drug busts and missing people that turned uo murdered and we have told them all about these things. I am not one to fill a kids mind with fairy tale bullshit which skews their understanding of reality. So, don't be a presumptious fucker, I can still be a truthful parent but not like having to teach my kids about cursing. Keep that rubber dick in Vantaa Bro!!!

I'm essentially a big advocate of education and science and learning in general. My Mom reared me through Catholic catechism and I had throw aside the foolishness of fearing going to hell and the devil coming to get me and all that non-sense. I'll not dump that on my kids, and I'll be sure they know what is good and what is bad, curse words and all. How they choose to use it is up to them.

The funniest part of the conversation I had was providing an example of how each curse word is used. She asked me if the word "bitch" was only used as a bad word for girls. I said "No, sometimes guys will call another guy a bitch when that person is being a whiner or a sissy about something." She laughed. I bet she will call some boy at her school a bitch one day!

Time to go to the gym! YAY! It's bench press and tricep day! Yahooo!!!
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