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Old 04.10.2010, 05:49 PM
pauldavid pauldavid is offline
Definately caught something...
Very mucho Newbie
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Posts: 40

Originally Posted by tcfrombn View Post
I was thinking about getting a virus, and I just want to make sure to ask about this.

So, the only thing you should do is start virus midi on or after bar 2?

If you start playback 2 bars before the first virus midi regions everything is okay?

Does this go for the final bounce, or if I'm working on the middle of the piece and wanting to start and stop playback over a virus midi region?

I hope someone has a good answer for this.

I would be using this in Logic 9.
Not sure what happens in logic, but in cubase thats what happens to me. But to answer your question ............"If you start playback 2 bars before the first virus midi regions everything is okay?" For me in cubase even with starting 2 bars before, it doesnt seem to help. Now...If you copy the midi section and paste it directly behind the first one. Then the second part of the audio bounce will be lined up..... So say I do a simple bassline and these are my midi notes - - - - If the first one starts on directly the first beat...say for instance marker 16 in cubase. Then when bounced down to audio, the first part of the bass sound will be pushed back slightly to around 16.5 or so, therfore throwing of the timing I had when it was still midi. But if I copy this.... - - - - And paste it behind itself again... - - - - - - - - The second part of it will be lined up good when bounced to audio. This is my experience using cubase and may vary for others.
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