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Old 14.03.2014, 04:32 PM
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I remember when the Virus C 'merely' added Moog filters, Parametric EQ and a small increase in poly over the Virus B.

The TI series have served extremely well over time in comparison. Over 5 full new OS versions with so many new features. Effectively 5 brand new editions of keyboards, from Virus D to Virus H, rolled into the TI|1 and TI|2.

However there does seem to have been a change the last couple or three years. The biggest being no announcements or demos at NAMM this year or last and sparse, drawn-out updates.

I have absolutely no insight to their company, workflow or their staff and can only speculate given the wall of silence, but my only belief is that Christoph Kemper - the original, and possibly still, or one of, the main programmer(s) for Virus - has chosen to move into high-end guitar amp profile modelling and effects (like Amplitube[?], but hardware-based). His company has released several hardware amps thus far, and he seems pretty active on the Kemper Amp forums. In fact, just this weekend he's announcing something new at the MusikMesse at Frankfurt. (Musikmesse is a kind of European version of NAMM).

Given that what he's doing with the guitar modelling is, to be fair, pretty cutting edge stuff at the moment, and dare I suggest possibly more lucrative than hardware synthesizers. I'm unsure if or what manpower remains behind the Virus. As I say, though, I know nothing about the company, and it's possible that they could be beavering away and shock us by releasing a new synth at any time.

The Virus is an extremely capable synth, but I feel it needs to evolve (or reinvent itself), given its price point, if it wishes to remain at the top. Especially against advanced VSTi's that are released and updated in a prolific fashion.

Given that the OS hasn't been updated for a couple of years, I naturally thought it was due to a new TI|3 being readied for launch. Was really hoping to hear something this last NAMM as I am pretty much ready to purchase a TI|3, if there was one, and I feel the forum is suffering too - I was hoping a TI3 would re-energize it - but it wasn't meant to be. Seems the Kemper Amps have taken over for the time being.
PS > And another thing! Will the Ti|3 have user customisable/importable wavetables? A ribbon-controller or XY-Pad might be nice, too, please! Thanks!

Last edited by Timo : 16.03.2014 at 03:46 PM.
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