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Old 21.11.2005, 06:32 AM
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Default A collection of questions for anyone who knows

Because I am having quite a few different issues, I thought I would compile them here so that perhaps different people might be able to post solutions (and hopefully this will be of help to others)

1. Certain sounds don't reload properly when the VC is saved with the daw (cubase etc.) I have found more sounds that don't reload properly and hence lose all tweaks - Q Should I continue reporting the individual sounds that don't reload correctly or is the fix that Access is working on going to correct all the sounds?

2. Pertaining to #1. Is anyone else able to save individual sounds with their songs via sysex transfer? If so, are you doing the sysex dump via midi cable or over usb?

3. System Reset. In the virus C there was a way to reinitialize the synth (if there were problems) by holding down a key when powering on. Ben had stated that I should do a soft power down (normal method) plus hold the arp edit button, but this didn't seem to do anything related to a system reset. Can anyone else do a system reset this way?

4. In the virus control - when copying a sound from one part to the other, (via drag and drop) it doesn't copy the sound with all the tweaks I made to it. Rather it just copies the original sound (prior to tweaks) Is this normal. Ex. I have a sound in part one - I tweak it heavily. Now I would like to load that same exact tweaked sound into part two to control from another midi track. In the VC I highlight first part sound (tweaked), drag and drop it into part 2. I honestly would think it would be the same exact (tweaked) sound, but rather it reverts to the original sound (before tweaks) for part 2. I suppose I can just save the tweaked sound to a ram slot and then reload it into part 2, but the drag and drop would be much faster.

hopefully none of the above are just a RTFM (which I did do btw)
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