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Old 05.11.2013, 12:46 PM
TweakHead TweakHead is offline
Join Date: 16.07.2011
Posts: 573

Not a good idea to rush OS updates when working with audio. Couple of reasons for that: sometimes big companies like Apple tend to push the industry in ways that serve their needs more so then it does serve the aspirations of the users, even pro users. The simple, ahead of almost anyone, drop of 32 bit plug-ins support, for one. Taking away firewire connections after promoting it and making it a standard. That's just like 80% of the interfaces people have and are not willing to replace a perfectly functioning equipment that delivers just because the high priests at Apple decided it's the way to go.

Then there's the secretive approach to the market, where they decide where it's going to go and developers have to catch up after this changes have been implemented, rather then being kept in close dialogue so that there's no bad surprises.

Logic X reads to me like a huge mistake by Apple. The interface in 9 was much better and felt more organized and less crowded. The screen feels small even using a 24-inches display on my mac. The drop of 32 bit plug-ins rendered prior investments in plug-ins that would otherwise continue to work completely useless, just because.

Couple those two things together and you can see that Apple doesn't care much for their pro users, because if you were to ask anyone if they'd like to see both firewire and 32 bit plug-ins go down the sink so soon, the answer they'd clearly get is: NO!

So when a company does that to their pro audio community and manages to get 10 out of 10 reviews on magazines despite of it (which is something i couldn't believe) with their Audio host, what can you expect of this new update? What about that app nap thing? How will this instruments cope with that? Like the Virus or Maschine? Probably they won't! No one was expecting such a thing to be implemented anyways...

Yeah, reverting back is a good idea... Next time, do what I did and install the new OS and Logic X on another disk or partition just to be sure you really feel good in Snow Leopard and Logic 9...

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