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Old 08.02.2011, 09:22 PM
Barnelby Barnelby is offline
Almost Amateur
Join Date: 20.08.2010
Posts: 104
Default My first track to share! Critique me!!

Alright guys, here it is. My first official release. One day when I am headlining ultra music festival and hundreds of thousands of people are having their brains smashed, you can say you heard it here first

So there's only one little catch....

I didn't use my virus on this track at all

This has been an old project since before I had the TI2....I have tons of projects in the works with the virus and can't wait to get em finished and post them.

In the mean time, let me know what you guys think about the sound quality! Please be harsh if you so please! The more the criticism the more I get better, so bring it on!

Under the first song there is one that says "mastered" at the end...that is the same thing with a mastering template applied in Logic, nothing special...just getting an idea of what it might sound like some day.

I guess the only question I have for you guys is whether or not you think this would be ready for mastering if I decided to send it off and get it worked on.

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