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Old 15.03.2006, 04:57 PM
jaysomething jaysomething is offline
Join Date: 15.03.2006
Posts: 1

I have exactly the same issue on my TI kb.

In Snap mode, turning any of the 3 soft knobs always shows a default value of 127 on the display. And turning the knob to that position and then backwards results in a sudden jump of the corresponding parameter.

Also, if you change the value assigned to any of the soft knobs, the position of the soft knob is not stored in memory after a couple of seconds. For example, if you turn soft knob one to 127 and then backwards to 80 and leave it there for a bit, you'll have to activate the Snap again.

All of the other knobs on my TI seem to work perfectly in Snap mode.

So it seems to me as if the TI suffers from a short-term memory loss with its soft knob positions. Nor does it seem to have the ability to store the soft knob values in any patch.

I hope this is some sort of a relief for you. I rarely use the soft knobs for editing but still I'm surprised that I never noticed this problem before. Thank you for pointing it out!

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