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Old 11.08.2010, 04:47 AM
simonharris simonharris is offline
Definately caught something...
Very mucho Newbie
Join Date: 28.06.2010
Posts: 41

The key is . . . don't try to copy others work too closely, you can be 'inspired' by a sound but you should develop your own and then it will probably end up sounding different and unique. Unintentional dirt is good, too clean is bad, let it sound a little dirty but be sure everything is in time and with no keys clashing. Keep the arrangement interesting, ie: don't let it sound like a 5 min intro. The most important thing is develop your own individual unique sound, so do it different to the other tracks out there, just one of the right elements and people will decide which genre it fits into. Be original and don't follow all the rules - BREAK THE RULES!
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